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Monday, May 22, 2017

Being Disabled is no Handicap to Retired Accountant

I know this Josh John personally, and I have to say, he is a fine man. Please enjoy and be inspired as I have been.

WHEN talking about turning a crisis into opportunities, there is an endless list of motivational quotes to cite from.

While maxims and adages are powerful motivators, retired accountant Josh John does not pore over them to drive home a point. Rather, he counts on his wealth of real life experiences to deal with emergency situations — like the way he overcame a crisis and turned it into an opportunity to do something good.

Paralyzed from the chest down and confined to a wheelchair, the 54-year-old has resolved to never wallow in self-pity and hopelessness but to bravely carry on living and not letting his affliction prevent him from doing what he loves. He has even made the effort to do some charity work.
Josh said his condition should be more accurately termed as Guillain-Barre Syndrome although it has also been diagnosed as Transverse Myelitis (TM).

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