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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Enjoy this interview on Lisette's Writers' Chateau with Nicole Storey:

Nicole Storey is an award-winning author of MG fantasy and YA paranormal books. She resides in Georgia with her husband and their two children.

How did you choose the genre you write in? Or did it choose you?

I write in the genres of MG fantasy/paranormal and YA paranormal. The genres definitely chose me. I’ve always been intrigued by things that can’t be explained, Cryptozoology, magic, the “boogeyman”… LOL! I was the child who never wanted to take the Halloween decorations down.

Grimsley Hollow-The Chosen One-web



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Free Download: Real Seniors Using iPads: Over 100 Fun, Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate

This is a very important book.  My experience has been that many older citizens are afraid of new technology: afraid that they cannot learn it; afraid that they will somehow “break” the computer, or the cell phone, or the iPad.  This book will help to dispel those fears.

Real Seniors Using iPads: Over 100 Fun, Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate shows that it is fun, no big deal to learn, easy peasy. It is informative, useful, and by modeling elder citizens, some over one-hundred-years-old, it gives readers a go-by to give it a go.  One of my favorites is the woman who took a bathtub tray, put it across the arms of her treadmill, and used it to hold her iPad.  Brilliant!  I'm implementing that ASAP.

Included are lists of apps, such as Skymap, which shows the constellations, Watch ABC, apps for movie streaming, card games, Kindle (yes, you can download your Kindle books to the iPad) and many, many more.

This book would be a fantastic gift to an elder!  I learned a ton of information, and I was already quite savvy.

Methinks Apple should be giving this book a glance, because that’s all it takes to see just how informative and useful this book is.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring Blog Hop!!

Friday through Monday!  Lots of prizes to win and lots of fun!

Click Here to visit other blogs connected to this hop!!

Click the link below to enter for your chance to win a $65.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card!

Now, that’s a great way to start Spring!


It has been a very hard winter for many, and this year’s buds, warm sun and fragrantly scented air will be more welcomed than ever.

As an author, I am often closeted, chained to my computer as it were, but this spring, I’m going to shrug off my chains and bask in the warmth of earth’s renewal.  It’s been a difficult few years, and I deserve this, I want this, and I’m happy to celebrate it with you!

To rejoice in the coming of spring, I will be giving away eBooks! 

Following are two poems which express my feelings regarding this glorious season.  In the comment section, tell me what you think of the arrival of spring!  One winner will be chosen each day and will be given the choice of any of my eBooks.  Just go here to take a peek and pick out the one you’d like to read:  

A Very Special Child
Son of My Soul - The Adoption of Christopher
Cedar Woman
Christopher Meets Buddy 


Spring Glory

The earth exhales in gratitude at the hope of Winter’s end; 

flowers in bloom herald the arrival of Spring.

Youth rejoices as the air warms with the scent of daffodils, 

and glorious tulips side-by-side like lovers stand.

Birds trill their joyous song, hungry mouths stretched toward the sky, 

as Robin and Jay and Sparrow, renew the promise of the season with new life.

Those of us who remember yesterday and yesterday and yesterday more, 

stand and stretch and warm our bones beneath Spring’s rejuvenating rays,

And once again our hearts lift up in thankful prayer,
for another Spring is ours.

©2011 Debra Shiveley Welch



Sphagnum-scented, bright green spear
Thrusting upward through dark, moist moss.
Golden crown and rosy trumpet
Iridescent in Spring’s shimmering sunlight.
Breathe now of delicious perfume
As sweet as a newborn’s scent,
And glory in the silken softness of newly opened petals.

Debra Shiveley Welch

Have fun, visit the other blogs and win prizes.  Spring is here!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Things Are Not What They Seem

I was given permission to post this delightful interview with authors Anne Rothman-Hicks and Ken Hicks.  Lively and fun, I just had to share with you.  Enjoy:

Author Interview Questions
Kid Lit Blog Tours
By Mother Daughter Book Reviews

About the Book:

Since Ken and Anne are co-authors of Things Are Not What They Seem, they have asked for permission to answer individually.  Here goes:

1.  As succinctly as possible, tell us why someone should read your book.

Ken: Because otherwise we’ll burn your house down and make you cry!

Anne:  I think that may be the wrong approach.

Ken: It works for the Mafia.

Anne:  Let’s tell them about the great characters they are going to meet—the surprising things that the reader will learn about the characters and that the characters will learn about each other and about themselves and about friendship and love and loyalty.

Ken: They may still cry.  I cry when I read about Mr. Bags.

Anne:    I’m going to try not to cry at the next question.

2. What is YOUR favorite part of the book?

Ken: Can I do this one?  My favorite part is when Whitehair leads the other pigeons on a bombing mission and—

Anne.  Wait! First you have to tell them that Whitehair is actually a man who was turned into a pigeon 160 years ago when he recited a magic spell incorrectly.

Ken: I like that part too.  But I really like when they dive-bomb those nasty bullies and —

Anne:  Couldn’t we talk about something that is a little less infantile than pigeons doing their business on a few bullies?

Ken:  We could.  But it wouldn’t be my favorite part.

Anne:  (Sighing).

3.  What is the main message you want to convey to your readers in your books?

Ken: Pigeons are God’s creatures too.  Feed them once in a while!

Anne: That would be Whitehair’s message, Ken.  He’s the one who’s always hungry.  The message we are trying to convey is about friendship and love and the effects of those uplifting emotions on the lives of the characters.

Ken:    But people should still feed the pigeons, right.  One of them might be Whitehair.

Anne:    Right…  I think I’ll handle the next question.

4.  Can we expect more books from you in the future? 

Anne:  (Looks at Ken and makes a face).  Sure….I guess …

Ken:    Are you kidding.  We have one in our brains right now and it’s kind of annoying because this plot involves an actual battle with cannon and muskets and so the scenes are very loud inside my head—  Ouch!  Why did you kick me?

Anne:  We are indeed working on a sequel involving Jenny and James, Sleepy and Katylyn, and of course, Whitehair the person turned into a pigeon.  They will be traveling back to the Revolutionary War, trying not to do something that will change the course of history in unforeseen ways.

Ken:  That’s very deep, Anne.  Wow.  Change the course of history….

Anne:  Your turn, Ken.

About Being an Author:

5.  What has been the best compliment you received as an author?

Ken:  Easy peasy.  My fourth grade teacher said, “Really, Ken you actually wrote a book?”

Anne:    Ken, I don’t think that was meant as a compliment.

Ken:    From her it was a compliment.

Anne:  What about when people say that our characters seem like real people, or that they cried or laughed when certain things happened, or that they are looking forward to reading the sequel, or that the book stayed with them well after they were done reading.

Ken:  I’ve got to remember all that stuff when I see my fourth grade teacher again.

6.  How do you react to a bad review?

Ken:     Another easy one.  When we get a bad review, we look up the person on the internet and burn their house down.

Anne:    We do not!  Why are you saying these things.

Ken:    (Whispering) Just in case.  You never know who might be reading this.

Anne:  But that is not what we do.  We are upset, of course, because it is as bad as someone criticizing our children.  However, in the end we say, “It doesn’t matter.”

Ken:    We do?

Anne:    Yes, because if the reviewer is right and our book really is bad, then we deserve the negative comments and, anyway, we’ll be getting a lot more bad reviews.  But, if the book is good, one bad review won’t make a difference.  You see, in the end it doesn’t matter.

Ken:    You are so wise, Anne.  Were you this wise when I married you?

Anne:  Apparently not.

7.  What is the best advice you received as an author?

Ken: This is another one that I’ll ace.  Again, it was my fourth grade teacher.  She said, “What in the world makes you think you can write a book?”  And then she started laughing.

Anne:     How was that good advice?

Ken:    Because, just to prove her wrong, I sat down with my wonderful wife and wrote a book.  And then we wrote another one and another and…. How many have we written now?

Anne:    A lot , Ken.  And that is a very sweet thing for you to say.  But don’t you think the best advice was not to give up?  To keep working?  To rewrite and rewrite again until you can read it aloud and feel as though someone else wrote it?

Ken:    True.  But it is a little creepy when the book is so polished that it seems someone else wrote it.  I mean, what if someone else really did write it?

Anne:    (Sighing again). Are there many more questions?.

8.  What advice would you give someone aspiring to write a children’s book?

Ken:    Don’t do it!

Anne:    Why would you say that?

Ken:    (Whispering again) Because there’s enough competition already.

Anne:    But do you want to deprive anyone of the pleasure of writing a book for children.  Do you remember how much fun it was when our own daughter read the chapters as we were writing them.

Ken:    It was the best, Anne.

Anne:    So I think we should tell people to find a child of the appropriate age and write it for that person as if he or she is listening.

Ken:    And if they walk away in the middle, give it up!

Anne:    No!  Keep writing and rewriting until you get it right!

Ken:    You give the best advice, Anne.  Will you marry me?

Anne:    We are married, Ken.

Ken:    I know.  But if we get divorced, will you marry me?

Anne:    That really doesn’t make sense.

Ken:    It sounded kind of romantic in my head.  But, you know, with all that musket and cannon fire, it’s hard to always tell.

Anne:    Say goodbye to the listeners. Ken

Ken: Goodbye listeners, and don’t forget to pay the fire insurance.

Anne:    Ken!

Ken:    Only kidding.