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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Interview By Fiona McVie of Author's Interviews

It's nice to be on the other end.  Following is my interview with Fiona McVie.  Thank you so much, Fiona. I enjoyed being interviewed by you very much, and shall look in on others whom you have posted on your lovely blog.

Please go to:


https://twitter.com/InsprationForum https://twitter.com/InsprationForum

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Interview With The Scary Guy

Amazing interview with The Scary Guy.

The Scary Guy is an expert in determining the root causes of emotional experiences that manifest themselves throughout communication on an individual, group and global scale.

He is unique in his capacity to reach audiences of all ages and backgrounds and his innovative programs are tailored for all age and education levels. Scary is a powerful motivational force, inspiring audiences to take pride in themselves, and join him in the reality of “eliminating hate, violence and prejudice worldwide.”

He teaches people to understand that they have the power to create change in their own world through taking full responsibility for all of their own behavior in the form of words and actions as Energy.

Vision Heart Limited with Kids Vision Heart, Inc. is on the leading edge of a new effort to eliminate hate violence and prejudice – teaching people how to teach love and acceptance, worldwide.
For years, nations have experienced the relentless growth of “The World’s Number One Social Disease; Hate, Violence and Prejudice,” which Scary describes as an insidious disease, polarizing our youth and societies and precluding us from achieving the true potential of our common humanity.

His sole mission is “The Total Elimination of Hate, Violence and Prejudice Worldwide.”  These were the first words that Scary spoke when he began his mission in 1998. Since that day, Scary has worked with over 10 million people through Television, film, radio, social media and live shows around the world promoting peace through the teaching of Love and Acceptance of all people. His audience consists of both youth and adults on an individual, community and society level, unaware of how they are using negative energy to meet their needs. (Scary, add your credit here)

Today I am interviewing The Scary Guy.  Scary is a very busy man, and I am greatly honored that he has taken the time to allow me to have him as a guest here today.  Before we begin, I’d like to share a quote from him:

“The power to create World Peace resides in each and every one of us – a process of creation, from the moment you wake-up until the moment you go to bed at night. It is your power, your choice and your responsibility to create that peace for you in all of your thoughts, words, actions and deeds every day of your life.” - The Scary Guy 1998

Scary writes classical music, is an artist a singer an entertainer and comedian.

In 1998 he changed his name to The Scary Guy, and went on the road to show people how to achieve world peace in their lifetime.
Listen now to his interview:


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Interview With Chopped Champion Christopher Thames

I'm so excited!  I have a new radio show on BlogTalk radio and have already had some amazing guests, which I'll share here with you in following entries.  Tuesday, for instance, I will be interviewing Chopped Champion Christopher Thames on his win in episode nine, season eight of Chopped.

We'll be discussing the interview process, the behind the scenes action, what it felt like to be on the show and much, much more.

Interested?  Let me know what you think.

Join Christopher Thames Tuesday, July 21, 10:30 a.m. EDT for an inside look on his winning Chopped.   http://tobtr.com/s/7656521

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Story of a Native American Woman

Join me in this fun, informative interview.

Feel free to ask questions.

Do you know what the Ugly Man dance is?
I'll bet you'll be surprised! 

http://www.amazon.com/Cedar-Woman-Saga-Book-ebook/dp/B00JF6U8PW/ref=sr_1_1_twi_2_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1430335042&sr=8-1&keywords=cedar+woman       http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cedar-woman-debra-shiveley-welch/1102089953?ean=2940012502995


Saturday, April 18, 2015

You Didn't Think We Would Come

You didn't think we would come.  Loveable soul that you are, you did not believe that we would assemble to honor you - to mourn.

The room filled to overflowing. Some people laughed, recalling moments in your life when you had been witty, silly, confused, adorable. Others wept, recounting your struggles, your torments, your pain. But all of us remembered one, major point: you are loved.

You didn't think we would come.  Did you?

Sleep fair, sweet Jenna.  Sleep fair.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Seven Things You Don't Know About Me

My good friend Kim Mutch Emerson of Master Koda SelectPublishing suggested that I blog about:

Seven things you don’t know about me.

1.     I once had my own newspaper column titled “Poetry Problems.”

2.     My grandmother was the first woman bailiff, sworn in one week after women won the vote.

3.     Henry VIII is my 18x first cousin.

4.     My Lakota name is, indeed, Cedar Woman.

5.     I helped to save the life of a woman in London, England – through books.

6.   All of my books, including Cedar Woman, are semi-autobiographical.

7.   I have Dysgraphia and cannot keep track of where my head is in space, as in turning west, or in gymnastics I couldn’t do more than one back handspring.  I also cannot determine or see if an horizontal line is plumb.

Feel free to ask any questions; I'll be more than happy to answer.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Enjoy this interview on Lisette's Writers' Chateau with Nicole Storey:

Nicole Storey is an award-winning author of MG fantasy and YA paranormal books. She resides in Georgia with her husband and their two children.

How did you choose the genre you write in? Or did it choose you?

I write in the genres of MG fantasy/paranormal and YA paranormal. The genres definitely chose me. I’ve always been intrigued by things that can’t be explained, Cryptozoology, magic, the “boogeyman”… LOL! I was the child who never wanted to take the Halloween decorations down.

Grimsley Hollow-The Chosen One-web



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Free Download: Real Seniors Using iPads: Over 100 Fun, Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate

This is a very important book.  My experience has been that many older citizens are afraid of new technology: afraid that they cannot learn it; afraid that they will somehow “break” the computer, or the cell phone, or the iPad.  This book will help to dispel those fears.

Real Seniors Using iPads: Over 100 Fun, Easy Ways to Learn Connect Communicate shows that it is fun, no big deal to learn, easy peasy. It is informative, useful, and by modeling elder citizens, some over one-hundred-years-old, it gives readers a go-by to give it a go.  One of my favorites is the woman who took a bathtub tray, put it across the arms of her treadmill, and used it to hold her iPad.  Brilliant!  I'm implementing that ASAP.

Included are lists of apps, such as Skymap, which shows the constellations, Watch ABC, apps for movie streaming, card games, Kindle (yes, you can download your Kindle books to the iPad) and many, many more.

This book would be a fantastic gift to an elder!  I learned a ton of information, and I was already quite savvy.

Methinks Apple should be giving this book a glance, because that’s all it takes to see just how informative and useful this book is.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring Blog Hop!!

Friday through Monday!  Lots of prizes to win and lots of fun!

Click Here to visit other blogs connected to this hop!!

Click the link below to enter for your chance to win a $65.00 Amazon or B&N Gift Card!

Now, that’s a great way to start Spring!


It has been a very hard winter for many, and this year’s buds, warm sun and fragrantly scented air will be more welcomed than ever.

As an author, I am often closeted, chained to my computer as it were, but this spring, I’m going to shrug off my chains and bask in the warmth of earth’s renewal.  It’s been a difficult few years, and I deserve this, I want this, and I’m happy to celebrate it with you!

To rejoice in the coming of spring, I will be giving away eBooks! 

Following are two poems which express my feelings regarding this glorious season.  In the comment section, tell me what you think of the arrival of spring!  One winner will be chosen each day and will be given the choice of any of my eBooks.  Just go here to take a peek and pick out the one you’d like to read:  

A Very Special Child
Son of My Soul - The Adoption of Christopher
Cedar Woman
Christopher Meets Buddy 


Spring Glory

The earth exhales in gratitude at the hope of Winter’s end; 

flowers in bloom herald the arrival of Spring.

Youth rejoices as the air warms with the scent of daffodils, 

and glorious tulips side-by-side like lovers stand.

Birds trill their joyous song, hungry mouths stretched toward the sky, 

as Robin and Jay and Sparrow, renew the promise of the season with new life.

Those of us who remember yesterday and yesterday and yesterday more, 

stand and stretch and warm our bones beneath Spring’s rejuvenating rays,

And once again our hearts lift up in thankful prayer,
for another Spring is ours.

©2011 Debra Shiveley Welch



Sphagnum-scented, bright green spear
Thrusting upward through dark, moist moss.
Golden crown and rosy trumpet
Iridescent in Spring’s shimmering sunlight.
Breathe now of delicious perfume
As sweet as a newborn’s scent,
And glory in the silken softness of newly opened petals.

Debra Shiveley Welch

Have fun, visit the other blogs and win prizes.  Spring is here!